As for the school visits, I was assigned Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I was really excited since I really like NP's designs.
This is the goodie bag!
I personally really love this board because it's colourful and not wordy. Many would definitely go to the board to read and find out more!
This is the HMS building. The "entrance" was really really inviting!
Even the tag on the cake pop was simple yet nice!
I thought that the brochure was really eye-catching since it was colourful and colour-blocking colours were used. For example, purple against yellow and red.
The designs were rather cute!
Personally I really really liked NP's open house. They used really colourful and cute, not giving the serious vibe. This helps NP portray the image that they are a fun polytechnic. I loved the colours used because they give a vibrant feel. NP itself is already colourful, I must add in, but the choice of colour-blocking colours used, which "match but do not match" were really smart. Good job NP!
The theme of the open house would most probably be "always that something extra".
I really really like the designs even though they were a little childish, but also because of the fact that they are trying to attract 16-17 year olds.
Yes, SP's open house theme was rather boring compared to NP's. SP used serious, dark colours, and I think SP needs more colour in the open houses to attract students!