Sunday, 19 January 2014

Photoshop Healing Brush Tool

So today, I decided to try out the photoshop healing brush tool which was rather easier than expected.
Firstly, I took a photo from Google by searching "pimples"
In the first photo above here, it shows a lady with clear acne scars and redness on her face. I decided to "opt+click"and select a cleaner part of her face which was the part below her eye area as the healing spot.
I forgot to mention that I also went ahead to duplicate the original layer in case of any errors.

I then went over to "erase" the left side of her face which is now much clearer because it was easier since it has less redness to cover up.

Finally, I went over to the red side of the face, slowly dabbing the healing brush tool over like dabbing makeup. The results were not perfect, but there is a mass difference. :-)

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